
Diverse and Inclusive Work Environments Ensure Sustainable Development in Panama

On 12 March, 2024, a forum-seminar on Ethical Recruitment: New Perspectives on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Employment was held with the support of the Ministry of Labour and Professional Development, the National Association of Human Resources Professionals (ANREH for its Spanish acronym), and the International Organization for Migration.

More than 100 representatives of state institutions and the private sector who participated in person and virtually discussed case studies and exchanged good practices, serving as a guide in the creation of concrete action plans to implement ethical recruitment and social responsibility practices.

IOM's regional technical specialists gave an overview of the motivations for migration, the main contributions and vulnerabilities of the migrant worker population and the key role of the private sector in the protection of migrant workers and as a strategic ally to generate employment opportunities, ensuring that their Human Rights are respected.

They also explained the principles of Ethical Recruitment framed in the Montreal Recommendations on Recruitment and the standards of the International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS), a global multi-stakeholder initiative that supports governments, civil society, the private sector and recruiters to establish ethical recruitment as a norm in cross-border labour migration.

During a forum moderated by Jeff Alejandro, Deputy Director of Public Relations at ANREH, four executives from Human Resources departments in multinational companies exchanged ideas on how corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be effectively incorporated into recruitment policies and practices to promote a welcoming and inclusive work environment.

Moreover, Layda Mojica, National Director of Employment in charge, analyzed the regulations and requirements of the new work permits established in Panama, as well as the implications and opportunities they can offer in terms of talent diversification and their contribution to Sustainable Development.

Through the Western Hemisphere Program, implemented by IOM and funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State, activities focused on ethical recruitment and CSR are carried out to promote the understanding and adoption of practices that guarantee Sustainable Development.

Since 2020, IOM and the Employment Directorate of the Ministry of Labour and Professional Development of the Republic of Panama have worked together to contribute to the strengthening of multi-stakeholder actions that promote ethical recruitment and the protection of workers, particularly migrants.

For more information, contact IOM Panama's communications team at

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities