
IOM strengthens Communication for Development and social change in three provinces

On 15 August 2024, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched for the first time in the provinces of Herrera, Los Santos and Coclé the social change strategy "Think Twice", developed through the Communication for Development (C4D) methodology to promote informed decision-making on migration and job search issues.

Over the course of three months, IOM conducted the first baseline study involving more than 160 people through surveys, interviews and focus groups to identify the most pressing information needs. Then, a process of conceptualization and presentation of the results was carried out to all the people who participated for the development and validation of the graphic line.

The results revealed that 72 percent of the people surveyed did not have enough information about migration, especially regarding labour rights and migratory regularization. Furthermore, more than 50 percent of the people surveyed had limited knowledge about the security measures necessary for the use of social networks when looking for study or employment opportunities.

"We have taken a significant step to close these information gaps. This initiative not only provides essential information, but also empowers migrants and host communities to strengthen their capacities and boost their contributions to the country's sustainable development," said Idiam Osorio, IOM's National Migration Governance Officer in Panama.

In the face of these challenges, "Think Twice" will be structured for the 2024-2025 period to articulate communication and capacity-building actions that promote access to safe employment opportunities and regularization mechanisms for migrants in Panama. The social change strategy, which has been adapted to local contexts since its implementation in 2021, will focus on young people aged 16 to 40, as well as their families, friends, teachers, and key community actors.

"One of the things I liked the most was that institutions from all over the country were integrated so that they can be in this project and that each of them can do their bit for us migrants," said Noemy Gonzalez, a young Costa Rican and leader of the strategy.

The strategy highlights the production of informative videos, podcasts, and the implementation of community outreach and impact activities tailored to local contexts, such as trainings, fairs, workshops, and sports tournaments. These efforts will be accompanied by a strong digital presence through the Somos Colmena website and social media, where crucial information on regularization and deception prevention will be provided.

IOM will continue to work closely with government authorities at the central and local levels, universities, as well as civil society organizations, to connect people with official sources of information and development opportunities in Panama.


For more information, please contact IOM's communications team Panama via