Quiénes Somos
Quienes somosLa Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) forma parte del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas y es la organización intergubernamental líder que promueve desde 1951 una migración humana y ordenada para beneficio de todos, con 174 Estados Miembros y presencia en más de 100 países. La OIM tiene presencia en Panamá desde 2007.
Sobre nosotros
Sobre nosotros
OIM Global
OIM Global
Nuestro Trabajo
Nuestro TrabajoComo organización intergubernamental líder que desde 1951 promueve la migración humana y ordenada, la OIM juega un rol clave en cuanto a apoyar el logro de la Agenda 2030 por medio de diferentes áreas de intervención que conectan a la asistencia humanitaria con el desarrollo sostenible. En Panamá, la OIM ofrece una respuesta integral a las necesidades humanitarias de los migrantes, los desplazados internos, los repatriados y las comunidades de acogida.
Prioridades transversales
Prioridades transversales
- Datos y Recursos
- Actúa
- 2030 Agenda
Children bring in a new and multicultural year
Panamanian and migrant children living in the community of Herrera, district of La Chorrera, presented on February 2 their creations at the “My Multicultural Community” drawing contest. The 50 participants, between the ages of 6 and 10, received a painting kit consisting of colored pencils and a drawing pad upon registering at the local community board on January 26.
The activity was arranged by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Panama with the support of María Deisy Díaz, the community representative, and other local authorities. The contest’s objective was to promote the integration and participation of the migrant population into the host community, and 3 local artists gave their input during the selection of the winners.
Albis Thorp, Technical Assistant for projects at IOM in Panama, explained that “integration is one of the key elements of migration management. It is related to other fundamental policy issues like the protection of human rights, no discrimination, employment, public security, social stability, public health, education, foreign affairs, and development.”
Approximately 99 migrant families live in the community, most of them of Colombian, Venezuelan, and Nicaraguan nationality.
“Motivating amongst the residents of the host communities a dialogue on the contributions of the incomers is paramount to achieve reciprocity that acknowledges cultural diversity. The positive effects of migration can be strengthened with strategic policies that support the social, economic, and cultural inclusion of migrants into the host communities”, according to Thorp.
For further information, contact Mayteé Zachrisson, Communications and Media Assistant at IOM in Panama, via mzachrisson@iom.int.